There are very few apps that truly innovate.
Nikita Bier just launched a new app called Explode.
2 days after launch it’s ranked #22 in Utilities.
As much as I love a spite app, what is really exciting is the different interactions in the new user flow.
Explode uses picture-in-picture, App Clips, Live Activities, and more to create quite an interesting UX.
It starts without a welcome screen, and the first thing you see is this push prompt.
Explode uses the fake push prompt to nudge you to allow permissions. After you tap allow then the real push prompt shows.
Next, there is a quick video that shows the product interaction. It mimics the normal iPhone camera.
I also kinda love the huge block font. The value of the app is simple, but so clear. Anyone instantly understands.
Also, based on this image, I’ll let you take a wild guess on who the target demo is…
Also a good reminder for your product imagery. If you have pictures of real people, are you showing pictures of your core audience?
It starts to get more interesting.
The camera toggle uses the exact same UI as the default iOS toggles. No need to retrain people on something they already know.
And more nudging in the right direction of permissions with the “Allow” arrow.
I don’t think you can even use the app without pressing “Allow”
Who doesn’t love some big ass font?
The only information collected from users is phone number, first name, and last name. No separate account creation, no other data collection. Super simple.
Explode shows you the setup steps you’re about to do since it requires you to add an iMessage app to function.
Now you understand the steps, but that’s not enough.
Innovation #1:
They trigger the picture-in-picture video functionality while you’re in messages to help guide you!!
As I tap through the instructions, Explode knows and updates the picture-in-picture video. Wild.
Once you add the app, it now prompts you to return to explode. So creative.
After you tap the Explode iMessage app, it can now take over your keyboard (I guess?) and show the “Return to Explode” button.
The camera launches immediately after setup.
The fun isn’t over yet - they’re trying to create a viral growth strategy through sharing.
Innovation #2
Explode is able to block screenshots and create expiring pictures for people without the app!
Using App Clips. This is a mini app that can be run without installing anything.
You may have encountered them while at a restaurant that allows you to scan a QR code on the receipt to pay. But they really didn’t get used that much by other apps.
Explode can offer the core functionality and create a real experience for anybody on an iPhone. (I’m curious what this looks like if I text an Android user)
Now it prompts you immediately to send another photo to hit that 3-person free month reward.
I didn’t do that, so it still shows that timer in the upper left.
And this is pretty much the whole app.
Or is it...
Innovation #3
When I close the app, I see Explode has started a live activity!! It’s promoting an offer and says I need to send two more photos.
I believe this is against the Apple TOS, but I’m unsure how strongly this is enforced.
And now that is the whole app!
I waited an hour and the offer really does expire. I’m curious if it’ll appear again or if it’s a one-time thing to truly drive that sense of urgency.
My takeaways:
There is a lot of opportunity for user acquisition through rewarded sharing
Can you do this sharing mechanism for your app? What’s the threshold that makes sense? Does this only make sense for social/network-based products?
I would be very careful using promotions in Live Activities, Apple could lay down the law
Don’t innovate on simple UI elements, use what people already understand
Small things like toggles that match iOS can make a difference
If someone needs to leave your app and come back, try to leverage this picture-in-picture approach to create a seamless process
This is so cool. I don’t know what else to say…
There is so much opportunity with App Clips
To be honest, I don’t fully understand the possibilities, but I know they’re out there! (App Clips might be worth a dedicated post)
There is also a lot of opportunity for creativity with Live Activities
I only see them commonly used in Uber to track my car or Starbucks to track my order, but these are obvious use cases. What are all the non-obvious use cases?
Check out the Whimsical board here to see the full onboarding flow.
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